Brochure Profile

Your brochure entry is very important.  Visitors use the brochure to decide whether to visit your studio (or not!).  Focus on why they should come and visit, what can they expect to see. Don’t assume they will have looked at the website.  Use the full word count – it’s only 25 words. What is your discipline, inspiration, medium. You don’t need to use your name in the text. Go straight into what you do.

Website Profile

Don’t repeat the brochure entry it will appear above this entry on the website.  Try and use the full word count – 150 words. This is your opportunity to give more detail about your type of work, materials and techniques you use, influences, and inspiration. Include recent exhibitions, membership of relevant organisations, prizes etc to establish your credibility.

Feature Image (Upload 1)

This is the image that will appear in the brochure, on the artist listing on the website, and as the first image on your own website profile page.  Choose a good quality photo that will be eye-catching.  Does the photo do your work justice?  It needs to stand out on the page.  Often it is a strong image. High contrast will stand out on the page. Too neutral will disappear.