• Participate in Open Up Sheffield (OUS), the annual art event where artists’ studios are open to the public.
  • Artist’s Profile in the Open Up brochure which is widely distributed throughout the Sheffield area. This will include high quality images of your work and contact details. This information will also feature on the website as a participating artist.
  • Year-round profile as a participating artist on the website, with links to your own sites and all your social media and other online platforms.
  • Supporting publicity materials including postcards, posters and banners to help you with your own promotional activities.
  • Access to specialist workshops designed to help participating artists get the most from the Open Up experience. Suggested topics include marketing, photographing your work and social media. This will also support your own individual practice.
  • Enhanced social media coverage as part of Open Up Sheffield, ongoing social media exposure through Facebook & Instagram.
  • Opportunity to join the private Facebook group providing a support network to OUS participating artists.
  • Networking with other participating artists to promote your local area and encourage more visitors.
  • Exhibition opportunities and collaboration with external organisations.
  • Opportunity to join the OUS Committee and influence the development of OUS throughout Sheffield.