Gina Hodges

Gina Hodges

Paintings made from watercolour, printmaking, pastels, inks and other mixed media, trying to capture light and colour.

I started painting with watercolours, which I still love, and continue to learn about.

I now often add to them with other media, particularly collage pieces which are made from my own printmaking. Subject matter varies but frequently features a variety of landscapes.

Studio visits

My studio will be open 11am – 5pm for visits on the following days:

  • Sunday May 4th
  • Monday May 5th
  • Saturday May 10th
  • Sunday May 11th

About my studio

Paintings – framed and unframed – and sketchbooks will be on display and greetings cards will be available to buy as well as pictures.

  • Visitors to the studio will be able to buy my work

Studio Accessibility

  • Ground floor with some steps

Contact me

m: 07952 659 133

Studio location

13 Clifford Road
S11 9AQ


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